Your Progress in Pai Lum
We have found that many students are helped in their study of the Martial Arts by formal recognition of stages of achievement, and have therefore adopted a system of gradings. Your abilities and knowledge are tested at gradings, and you are asked to grade only when your instructor thinks you are ready.
In Pai Lum, there are two parallel grading systems: beginners start with no grade, and when they have achieved a knowledge of the basics, can grade for their white sash. Subsequent grades are marked by yellow, blue, green, purple, and brown sashes, and then the black belt of Instructor or Sifu. Students who demonstrate an understanding of and commitment to the Way are promoted to Wasu or Student Instructor rank, marked by a black sash with purple fringe. This rank outranks all others but black belt, and is a reflection of the importance placed on teaching in Pai Lum Kung Fu.
In Pai Lum Kung Fu, with rank comes privilege, but also responsibilities. Increasing reponsibility for others and of course, yourself.