Newsletter - 1st January 2011
News From Fire Dragon Australia
Members of the Club accepted an invitation to undertake some filming for an on-line Australian Martial Arts show on 11 August, in Melbourne. It was a good learning experience in stage presentation for the Club.
Shr Fu Hardy travelled to Townsville once more on 17 September, to visit Shr Fu Jamie Scuffell of the Shen Zhao Pai Athletic Association. The following month, the White Crane Family of Shr Fu Scuffell again honoured the Fire Dragon Club, and Shr Fu Hardy, by coming down to Canberra to teach them over the course of a weekend.
November was an unusually busy month, with two demonstrations, and an invitation to try out for Australia's Got Talent – on the 6th, Master Hardy was accompanied by Shr Fu Bellchambers, Scott Savage, Elinor Jean and Bernard Kilimnick and Simon Jordan, took part in the auditions at the Sydney set of Australia' Got Talent, and put on a short demonstration. Despite some injuries the team impressed, though at the time of writing, had not heard of whether they would be invited onto the show.
The next day, Fire Dragon performed at the Australian School of Contemporary Chinese 2010 Canberra Chinese Cultural Day. It was a well attended day, and a well received demonstration.
Later that month, on the 20th, Fire Dragon again performed, this time at the Majura Festival in Dickson. The demonstration was once more well received – Fire Dragon is very happy to be an active part of the local community.
And only a few days later, the senior women in the Club helped out a Reclaim the Night event, and put on a vivid demonstration. Tara, Elinor, Ingrid and Jayne impressed their audience and hopefully inspired them to realise their potential, not just in self defence, but also in all aspects of their lives.
Fire Dragon's Annual Christmas Dinner was on Friday 17th December – some 20 Club members, family and friends attended and enjoyed some traditional Chinese cuisine. At the dinner, Master Hardy announced the 2010 Niket Rewal Award winner: Scott Savage, who has been of enormous help to his Instructor Shr Fu Bellchambers, and has also been very active in supporting the organisation as a whole. Master Hardy also recognised the great help received from Elinor Jean, Bernard Kilimnick, Tara James and Mitchell Gould.
Students recognised for their contributions to Fire Dragon Australia - l-r: Elinor, Mitchell, Scott, Tara and Bernard
As the year finished, and on the last formal training day, 3 students were promoted (see our Gradings News page): Scott Savage is our newest Student Instructor; and Tara James and Mitchell Gould both succeeded in their quests for Green Sash. Congratulations to them all, as their Instructors look forward to their next promotions!
The last training session for the year took place on December 30th, when fours students took advantage of Master Hardy's invitation to keep on training over the Christmas break – well done, and the New Year should see even more progress!