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Fire Dragon Australia

Grading - 17th July 2011

Gradings - 17th July 2011


On 17 July, Wasu Ingrid Bean became Shr Fu Bean, or Shr Fu Lie Bao.

Vicious Leopard showed she could hold her own against 15 larger opponents, after performing all her forms, and defending against an armed attack.

Despite having to absorb and avoid heavy attacks, Lia Bao managed some effective counter attacks of her own!

Fire Dragon welcomes our new Black Belt!

Shr Fu Ingrid Bean is presented with her Certificate as 1st Higher Level, Black Belt, by Master Hardy.
Shr Fu Ingrid Bean is presented with her Certificate as 1st Higher Level, Black Belt, by Master Hardy.

Shr Fu Bean surrounded by those who sacrificed bits of their bodies to help her earn her Black Belt.

Fire DRagon is very grateful to Sensei Peter Carter and his seniors, and Sensei Ryan van Leent, who all came to assist.
Shr Fu Bean surrounded by those who sacrificed bits of their bodies to help her earn her Black Belt.

Fire DRagon is very grateful to Sensei Peter Carter and his seniors, and Sensei Ryan van Leent, who all came to assist.

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