Newsletter - 31st December 2009
News From Fire Dragon Australia
Students and Instructors trained hard through Autumn and Winter, preparing for a very busy Spring – and 5 students accompanied Master Hardy to the USA, to see his teacher, Pai Shinzan – Grand Master St Charles. Sifu Bellchambers, two of his students – Scott Savage, and Mitchell Gould, with Calvin Chelin and Simon Jordan from the Ainslie classes, travelled with Master Hardy to Florida, where Bai Xue Long – Grandmaster Shawn Dick – very kindly put them up. They attended Pai Shinzan's camp, where they not only learned more about Pai Lum Kung Fu, at the hands of Pai Shinzan, but were taught for two hours by Grandmaster Guiffre in the art of Tai Chi. This meticulous and very well explained tutorial opened their eyes to some of the soft side of the Art.
The Australian Dragons with Grandmaster St Charles - Pai, Shinzan, at the Course.
Master Hardy was very glad of the opportunity to learn from his teacher, and to have his students begin to understand what he Dragon is about!
The Australian Dragons were well looked after by their American relatives. They had private lessons from Bai, Xue Long, and Pai Shao Li (Grandmaster Matthews), and trained with a host of other Pai Lum teachers and students.
The Australian Dragons with Pai Shao Li (front, 2nd fom right) and Bai, Xue Long (back, furthest right)
At the end of their visit, they were also all promoted – and had certainly learned enough to warrant that! The most junior of the Australian's Simon, certainly deserved his Yellow Sash! Mitchell earned his Blue, while Calvin and Scott are both now Green Sash students. Queanbeyan Fire Dragon now has its own Master as an Instructor, as Shrfu Bellchambers was promoted to 4th Higher Level. Pai Shinzan took the unusual step of promoting master Hardy to 7th Higher Level – a rank he looks forward to earning!
While Master Hardy was away, Fire Dragon put on a very successful demonstration as part of the Majura Festival on October 24. Wasu Ingrid Bean was assisted by Wasu Michael O'Connor and ran the demonstration, which pleased not only the audience, but also the Festival organisers.
Less than two weeks after returning from the US, Master Hardy and several of his students put on another demonstration – this one in Civic on November 17, as part of the Groovin' in the City Programme. They entertained the audience with many spectacular elements of Pai Lum, and included some of the techniques they learned in the States.
Fire Dragon welcomed home the Instructors and students who had visited their American cousins on Sunday 22 November . Master Hardy thanked all those who had helped run the Queanbeyan and Ainslie clubs in his absence, and in particular ShrFu Hardy, Sifu Wells, Wasu Bean and Wasu O'Connell, with Elinor Jean and Tara James, who helped set up classes, and run the finances.
Fire Dragon was fortunate that ShrFu Jamie Scuffell, of the Shen Zhou Pai Athletic Association, with four of his Family members, travelled to Canberra in late November to teach a course in White Crane Kung Fu. Not only did Shr Fu Scuffell teach Fire Dragon students forms and Shaking Crane techniques, they took time and considerable effort to pass on to Shr Fu Neal Hardy an increased understanding of how to generate internal energy.
Shr Fu Scuffell greatly honoured Shr Fu Hardy by awarding him membership of the Shen Zhou Pai Athletic Association.
Before ending the year, Master Hardy announced the 2008 Niket Rewal Award for devotion to the Way of the White Dragon, to Calvin Chelin. Master Hardy apologised that he had been unable to have the Award prepared before, and noted that Calvin had continued to work hard in understanding the Way.
A very busy and productive year was celebrated at the annual Christmas Dinner, on December 18. Master Hardy was pleased at the good attendance, with students often bringing their friends and relatives – part of the extended Pai Lum Family. He presented the 2009 Niket Rewal award to Elinor Jean. Master Hardy also recognized the contributions and training effort from Tara James, Scott Savage, and Mitchell Gould. A good end to a productive year!