Newsletter - 1st January 2007
News From Fire Dragon Australia
NEWS from 2006
The Ainslie and Queanbeyan Fire Dragon Clubs combined efforts to put on the 2006 Fire Dragon Demonstration at the National Multicultural Festival on February 11. A challenging environment (on a small stage) did not prevent a high quality demonstration, with students and instructors alike having to adapt forms and techniques. This in itself showed skills which of course are not apparent to most in an audience! The show was very well received. And – showing true professionalism and ability, Master Hardy accepted the opportunity to perform again half an hour later, at the Fringe Festival. Everyone did well, with Master Hardy lying on a bed of nails twice thus demonstrating his own capacity.
Master Hardy lying on a bed of nails, with some 250kg of concrete on his chest - including Sifu Bellchambers!
Demonstration at North Ainslie Primary
On Friday 10th March, senior Fire Dragon students also put on a small demonstration at North Ainslie Primary School, to help out with the School's multicultural day. It was an opportunity to help out in the community, and the demonstration was enjoyed by children and parents.
Majura Festival
The Majura Festival was held for the first time in the main street of Dickson's Chinatown on 14th March, and Fire Dragon again demonstrated their skills. A windy day made Master Hardy's Fire Break impossible, as the flames and accelerant blew into his face. Never the less, the audience appreciated the efforts of all, as students threw each other around, and showed forms, techniques, and the Pai Lum spirit!
Half Day Course
Master Hardy ran the first Half day course for the year on 4th June. The course was well attended, and students learned forms, techniques and approaches. Master Hardy's courses are opportunities for students to immerse themselves in Pai Lum and integrate the practices, strategies and philosophies into their lives.
Queanbeyan visits
Following a suggestion from our Grand Master, Pai Shinzan, Master Hardy visits the Queanbeyan Club several times a year, to ensure that Sifu Patrick Bellchambers' students understand – and feel - they are an integral part of the Australian Pai Lum Family. It is important to both Australian Instructors as well as Pai, Shinzan, that the Australian Dragons work well together to increase their strength.
2006 Multistyle Camp
Master Hardy was joined by Sifu David Crook of Bac Fu Do Kung Fu in organising the 2006 Multistyle Martial Arts Camp from 9-10 September. Other Instructors included Sifu Peter Watson, Sensei Ryan van Leent, Sensei Steven Fekete, and Sifu Wang Dapeng. Students from different styles of Martial Arts experienced the greatest diversity of instruction of any previous Multistyle Camp, and certainly appeared to enjoy themselves!
At the Camp, Master Hardy graded three students – Ingrid Bean, Deborah Patrick, and Amy Davidson. A special occasion for the ladies, and particularly for (now) Wasu Bean!
Campbell High Demonstration
As Wasu Bean has been teaching at Campbell High School, and several Club members attend school there, Fire Dragon put on a small demonstration as part of Campbell High's Multicultural Day, which was held on October 18. Very well received, particularly when Wasu Bean broke some concrete and wielded a Chinese Broadsword!
Club Outing to Sydney's Chinatown
Master Hardy, recognising the potential for a family outing, suggested a School visit to Sydney's Chinatown on 20th October. It was a very successful expedition, with Master Hardy and several students driving down for it. Gold and other dragons were purchased, an excellent Yum Cha feast was consumed, and those who valued culture visited the stunning Chinese Gardens in Darling Harbour.
Like herding cats! - The Club members who visited Chinatown in Sydney finally got together for a photograph!
Pai Shinzan, Grand Master of the Shaolin White Dragon Branch of the Pai Lum Family, and our Grandmaster, has initiated, with Grandmasters from other Branches of our Pai Family, a Website to help us all pool our resources and work more closely to achieve understanding and growth across the entire Pai Family.
Fire Dragon Australia fully supports the Pai Lum Family Arts Society – let us all become stronger together!
Demonstration at Gunghalin Marketplace
Fire Dragon performed yet again, this time at the Gunghalin marketplace on 30 October. Again a constricted environment did not stop students and instructors alike from putting on a good – and well received – show!
Visit to White Crane School
On the weekend of the 24th and 25th November, Master Hardy visited a White Crane school in Townsville – as White Crane is an integral part of Pai Lum, he seeks to understand the one to help his research into the other. Sifu Jamie Scuffell's classes had been recommended by Frances Michaelis, who has moved to Townsville and sought a good Kung Fu school there.
Sifu Scuffell and some of his seniors welcomed Master Hardy and worked with him to help him learn some of their White Crane - Shaking Crane. It is a different art – some aspects are subtly different, others more markedly so, but very effective. Sifu Scuffell teaches not just Shaking Crane, but also Tai Zu (Monkey). While the techniques themselves are very interesting and useful, the underlying philosophies and basics are equally fascinating, and clearly relevant to the origins of Pai Lum
Master Hardy is very grateful to Sifu Scuffell and his students for taking the time and trouble to teach him some of their Way.
Pai Lum Day Course 2007
The annual Full Day Course was run at the Ainslie headquarters, on 3rd December. Master Hardy took more than twenty students, and Senesi Ryan Van Leent of Shotokan Karate, through Pai Lum forms, through fighting techniques and strategies which come from different White Dragon teachers, and through some White Crane techniques he learned from Sifu Scuffell.
Christmas Dinner and 2007 Awards
As usual, the annual Christmas Dinner was well attended, even though it was early (on the 8th December). Master Hardy was pleased that the Pai Family is so strong in Australia, with students bringing family and friends. Several students had over the course of the year shown a willingness to extend themselves in their studies: The 2006 Niket Rewal Award for 2006 was given to Andrew Moorby – from the Queanbeyan Club, for his devotion to the Way, and his reliability in backing Sifu Bellchambers, and helping the Club – congratulations!