Newsletter - 29th January 2006
News From Fire Dragon Australia
September 11 and 12 saw Fire Dragon students joining students from Bac Fu Do Kung Fu and Shotokan Karate for the annual ACT MultiStyle Martial Arts Camp. While the vast majority of participants were from Fire Dragon, there was enough variety to bring some very different approaches together under master Hardy, Master David Crook from Bac Fu Do, and Sensei Ryan van Leent of Shotokan.
Students were exposed to different concepts of basic martial art techniques, and were encouraged to learn how to put these into practice in several scenario sessions. Master Hardy's Morning Surprise was made more aesthetic when he pointed out to students that they were working on their forms in a field of orchids (and were then encouraged to avoid treading on them!). Applying forms, and defences against weapons were the last sessions on Sunday, and students and Instructors alike made their way home, tired, but with much to absorb.
With a busy year, there have been fewer opportunities than we wanted to socialise as a Club, but on October 30, Jayne Hardy (Ma Gai) hosted a training session and barbeque at her place past Gundaroo. Training included techniques and forms, with an accent on improving basics – enough to earn a good barbeque!
Master Hardy attended the NAS National Championships held at the Gold Coast, as it was in 2004. It was again a well run competition, with some 700 competitors, and Master Hardy was asked to help manage one of the rings. During the weekend, he qualified as a Level 4 Referee, and will be able to continue to assist with the running of the ACT tournament circuit.
As a result of the successful MultiStyle Camp in September, Fire Dragon is forging closer links with Shotokan in the ACT. Sensei Ryan van Leent kindly agreed to come to a senior class, and share some of his knowledge, and took the seniors through some paces on December first. He explained a great deal about Shotokan kata, correcting mistakes, explaining how the kata have changed, and teaching combinations from the kata. It was a very instructive lesson, and Fire Dragon and Master Hardy thank Sensei van Leent sincerely!
Fulfilling his commitment to passing on more to all Australian Dragons, Master Hardy ran a Half Day Course on 11 December, with an emphasis on different concepts of developing power (Pai Lum, Hsing I and Tai Chi), and developing flexibility and balance. Some combinations learned from the States kept students on their toes (or backsides at times!).
And, as an additional element to the Half day Course, Master Hardy conducted two gradings – Shane Bartleman achieved his Yellow Sash, and Master Hardy graded Luke Pedrana, of Sifu Bellchambers' Queanbeyan Club to Wasu (Student Instructor) rank. Congratulations – to both Wasu Pedrana, and his Instructor, Sifu Bellchambers!
The next Half Day Course will be in March 2006!
Some 30 students and their families joined Master Hardy for their annual Christmas Dinner. Lots of laughter, some interesting tales, and a good family atmosphere made the good food (from the Four Rivers Sizuan Restaurant) even better.
Master Hardy took the opportunity to recognise the efforts of some hard working students – Amy Davidson and Tara Sanderson were given certificates acknowledging their commitment to the way of the White Dragon, and Master Hardy announced Deborah Patrick as the winner of the 2005 annual Niket Rewal Award for devotion to the Way of the White Dragon. Well done all three, and congratulations to all those who trained during the year!
Deborah Patrick - winner of the 2005 Niket Rewal Award for student best demonstrating the Way of the White Dragon. Congratulations!!
The last night's (official) training for 2005 was on the Thursday before Christmas. While a few students had disappeared on holidays, class was still demanding, and particularly so for Tim Gendek, who succeeded in his grading to White Sash – and a great way to end 2005!