1 December 2009

Fire Dragon students are reminded of the rare opportunity to train with Sifu Jamie Scuffell of the Shen Zhao Pai Athletic Association on the weekend of 5-6 December. Training will be at the Ainslie training hall, from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm Saturday and from 12 to 6.00 pm Sunday.
Weekend training will be on Sunday 13th and Sunday 20th, at the usual time of 5.00 pm, on Downer Oval.
The last training day for the year (in Ainslie) will be Tuesday 22 December.
Due to the short month, the Ainslie Club will have an additional training day on Monday 21st - it will start at 7.30 pm (after weapons), and finish at 9.00 pm.
The Fire Dragon annual Christmas Dinner will be on Friday 18th December - please see your instructor for details!
Fire Dragon wishes all students a very happy and relaxing Christmas!
Training in 2010 will strat on Tuesday 5 January - we hope to see all students fresh and ready to learn then!