4 November 2009

While the Fire Dragon students and Instructors who travelled to Florida this year did not go to be promoted, all those who went were in fact promoted.
Grandmaster St Charles took the unusual step of promoting Master Hardy to 7th Higher Level, with the concurrence of Grandmaster Shawn Dick.
Patrick Bellchambers is now Master Bellchambers, 4th Higher Level, with the concurrence of Master Hardy.
Both Scott Savage from the Queanbeyan Club and Calvin Chelin were promoted by Grandmaster st Charles to Green Sash, with the concurrence of Master Hardy, who also concurred with the promotion by Grandmaster St Charles of Mitchell Gould form the Queanbeyan Club to Blue Sash, and Simon Jordan to Yellow Sash.
Everyone learned a great deal of Pai Lum, including of course Master Hardy down, and as importantly, understood the depth and breadth of the Pai Family.
The photo shows Calvin (Green Sash); Scott (Green Sash) Master Bellchambers (Gold Sash with gold fringe); Mitchell (Bluee Sash) and Simon (Yellow Sash)