More NAS News
28 March 2004

Queanbeyan Fire Dragon continues to hold the Fire Dragon banner - and very high, with both Luke Pedrana (Mr Snake) and Sifu Bellchambers achieving success.
In Round 3 of the ACT NAS tournament circuit, Luke Pedrana came away with First Place in Men's Novice Forms. Sifu Bellchambers Also came first, in the Men's Open Black Belt Forms, and won third place in Men's Open Black Belt Point Sparring.
The ACT Championships saw both again performing strongly: Luke is now ACT Forms Champion in the men's Novice category, and Patrick Runner Up in Men's Black Belt Forms. Luke came a strong third in his sparring, but Sifu Bellchambers had to withdraw from his sparring competition because of illness - which makes a statement about his Forms performance!
Congratulations to both!!
Sifu Bellchambers managed to attend the National Championships in the Gold Coast in December. When he wasn't busy judging, he competed strongly, and while not able to place, fought very well in the Black Belt Open Point Sparring, and performed an excellent 1000 Steps in the Men's Black Belt Forms. Very well done!