3 September 2013

Fire Dragon will welcome Sifu Jamie Scuffell of the Shen Zhou Pai Athletic Association to Canberra once more, to teach the Australian Dragons White Crane.
As White Crane, with Dragon, is an integral element of White Dragon, all students are encouraged to attend the weekend course on Saturday and Sunday 14 - 15 September. If you are unable to make both days, come to one!
Sifu Scuffell is an excellent teacher, and will help you understand the internal (and hidden) art of White Crane Kung Fu.
Fire Dragon will also have weekend training sessions on Sunday 8th and Sunday 22nd September. Students should note the warmer weather training times of 5pm to 6 pm. Training is on Downer Oval.
There will be a Fire Dragon Dinner with our White Crane guests on the evening of 14 September - students and Instructors are encouraged to bring family and friends!
(Pictured below are the participants at the last White Crane Course in Canberra - 2011.)